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Miguel Piecho-Santos no Comité de Operações do European Ocean Observing System

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O Sistema Europeu de Observação dos Oceanos (EOOS-European Ocean Observing System) é uma estrutura de coordenação concebida para alinhar e integrar a capacidade de observação oceânica da Europa, promover uma abordagem sistemática e colaborativa para recolher informações sobre o estado e a variabilidade dos nossos mares e apoiar a gestão sustentável do meio marinho e dos seus recursos.

O Investigador do IPMA, Miguel Piecho-Santos foi convidado para ser o Ponto de Contacto Nacional no Comité de Operações do EOOS (Operations Committee). Este comité pretende representar a diversidade dos operadores da observação do oceano em níveis nacional, regional e pan-europeu e é um dos órgãos de governança do EOOS. Tem como objectivo principal ajudar na sustentabilidade a longo prazo dos esforços de observação do oceano na Europa e na implementação progressiva do EOOS.

A primeira reunião deste órgão ocorreu (virtualmente) nos dias 24-25 de Novembro de 2020. Um dos pontos da Agenda foi a discussão sobre o papel que os Pontos de Contacto Nacional devem ter como impulsionadores da observação sustentada do oceano nos seus países. Este é um papel que o Ponto de Contacto Português pretende desenvolver em colaboração com todas os operadores e instituições relevantes para a observação do nosso oceano.

Pretende-se também fazer uma inventariação das infraestruturas, tecnologias e capacidade humana dos sistemas de observação operacionais a nível nacional.

What is EOOS

EOOS is a coordinating framework designed to align and integrate Europe’s ocean observing capacity, promote a systematic and collaborative approach to collecting information on the state and variability of our seas, and underpin sustainable management of the marine environment and its resources.

Providing 97% of the Earth’s water and 95% of its biosphere, the ocean is a crucial source of food, water, energy and raw materials, and acts as a medium for tourism, transport and commerce. Valued at US$24 trillion (WWF report 2015), the global ocean has been termed the world’s seventh largest economy. The OECD has estimated the gross value added (GVA) of the global ocean economy in 2010, measured in terms of ocean-based industries’ contribution to economic output and employment, at USD $1.5 trillion, or approximately 2.5% of the total global GVA. Sustained ocean observing is crucial to provide data products and services driving the Blue Economy in a responsible and sustainably way, to understand the oceanic environment and help mitigate climate change.

EOOS aims to provide a framework within which European marine observations can be sustained and made available on a continuous basis for applications ranging from real-time services, through ocean health to climate services. EOOS will not take ownership or control of ocean observing in Europe. Rather, EOOS will provide a light and flexible coordinating framework to help manage and improve the existing observing effort, making it more efficient and effective at different geographical scales and for different users.

Specifically, EOOS will:

  • Align and connect existing initiatives to ensure efficiency and value for money;
  • Identify gaps in the European observing capacity and foster initiatives to fill those gaps;
  • Promote observing capacities which can benefit multiple sectors including research, policy, management and industry; and
  • Ensure that European ocean observing is integrated into the global observation system(s) by providing a focal point for interaction with international programmes and partner initiatives outside of Europe.

EOOS can help add value to existing observing efforts, empowering those who are already working to advance ocean observing in Europe, and catalysing new initiatives in a strategic way, targeting identified gaps and communicating progress to a wide range of stakeholders. EOOS will act as a framework to bring the community together to set priorities and act as a single, well-organized voice for Europe, as well as facilitating the exchange of best practice and capacity within Europe.

EOOS Operations Committee

The EOOS Operations Committee is part of the EOOS governance representing the ocean observing implementers at national, regional and pan-European levels to help with the long-term sustainability of the ocean observing efforts in Europe and to implement EOOS progressively.

Established in 2020, the committee builds on the experience provided by EuroGOOS, European Research Infrastructures and earth observation agencies, research vessel operators and network of marine stations, as well as the EuroGOOS Regional Operational Oceanographic Systems (ROOS), task teams and working groups.

It also builds on and supports the Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS), through the GOOS National Focal Points as the principal liaison point with each nation to establish a two-way dialogue between the national implementers of ocean observing, EOOS and GOOS.

The Operations Committee’s key responsibilities are to:

  • Provide information about relevant strategic opportunities for EOOS;
  • Specify system requirements to meet user needs sustainably for ocean observing;
  • Support and enable the EOOS implementation plan where relevant and practicable by liaising with implementers at a national level and seeking synergies with adjacent nations, as well as regional and pan-European levels;
  • Give advice to the EOOS Steering Group about changes in the ocean observing landscape at the European and international level;
  • Contribute to the mapping of infrastructure, technology and human capacities;
  • Identify shared priorities and advise on EOOS added value.

The Operations Committee membership includes:

  • GOOS National Focal Points in Europe;
  • European Research Infrastructure (ESFRI);
  • EuroGOOS Regional Operational Oceanographic Systems (ROOS);
  • EuroGOOS Task Teams;
  • Other relevant implementers.

The Operations Committee is supported by Ana Lara-Lopez, Science Officer, EuroGOOS

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